March 5 – Mark 9:14-32
Christy Wahl
The crowds have gathered, the people are hungry to see more of the miracles they have come to expect from this man from Galilee. Jesus walks down to them watching them as they argue, His heart heavy knowing the people He came to save don’t understand His purpose.
A father in desperation has brought His son to Jesus; the boy has battled all his life with a crippling darkness, one that does not allow him to control his own body. The father of the boy seeks out Jesus to heal his son. He pleads “Have mercy on us, help us if you can.” (vs 22 NLT) Exasperation overflows as Jesus hones in on the flaw of the man’s request, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’??” (vs23 NLT)
Oh how I can sympathize with the frustration in the father’s quick reply “I do believe! But help me in my unbelief!” (vs 24 NLT) No parent wants to see their child suffer, and I imagine he sees Jesus as his last hope after years of trying time and time again to get help for his son. Who hasn’t sometimes felt like their prayers bounce off the ceiling, like the faith that we have has grown cold? The world around us is distracting, the trials we face are exhausting, and sometimes we fall. Just like this boy’s father we look to Jesus for help, even asking for the help to believe again. And Jesus does respond to the father’s plea to heal the boy, reaching down and lifting the boy from the ground with a gentle hand.
When you fall, when you cannot find your own faith- call on Jesus who will give you the faith you need to get back up, and take you by His hand.
We pray:
Jesus, when I am weak please give me Your strength so that I can stand with your support. Amen