March 28 – Luke 20:41-47, 22:1-6
Be All—In For Christ
Kyle Lang
The widow had almost nothing to give, which meant that her small offering was actually a huge offering. It was a sacrifice for her, but she was clearly motivated out of love and gratitude for her God. She gave her all, and Jesus held her up as an example.
Are you giving your all for Christ? Where in your life are you sacrificing for Him? Do you give from abundance, or from a place of love and gratitude, like the widow? Now think beyond the offering plate, because God asks for more than just our money. Where in your life have you felt a tug from God to give Him your all? This may take you out of your comfort zone, but just like the widow’s sacrificial offering, sometimes following Jesus causes us to stretch.
Jesus commanded us to care for the poor, the sick, the widowed, the orphan, the foreigner. Maybe He’s calling you to give of your time by volunteering in your community or church.
Jesus commanded us to “Make disciples of all nations.” Maybe He’s calling you to boldly speak His name, His Gospel, His truth to someone in your life. Or, even more sacrificially, maybe He’s even calling you to missions?
We pray:
Lord, I want to give my all to you. Please show me where I can sacrifice in my life, to follow Your commands and spread Your love. Amen.