March 24 – Mark 16:1-20
Edie Holzer
It was Peter who stepped out of the boat and walked on water. It was Peter who proclaimed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” But it was also Peter who fled and vehemently denied Jesus three times, even though he swore up and down that he never would. When the rooster crowed, the Bible says Peter went out and wept bitterly. He probably thought Jesus could never love him or forgive him ever again. He probably thought he was a failure who couldn’t follow through on what he had promised.
How many times have we failed and sinned even when we swore we wouldn’t? It’s so easy to think God could never forgive us or welcome us back. But just as God, speaking through the angel, specifically called Peter’s name, He is calling us back too. I’m so glad we serve a God of second, third and fourth chances! He lovingly calls us by name just as He did Peter. He is waiting for us with open arms.
We pray,
Thank you, Lord, that we celebrate Your resurrection at Easter and Your forgiveness each day. Amen.