March 16- Mark 13:24-37


Don’t Become a Spiritual Narcoleptic

Kyle Lang

I have a family member who is diagnosed with  narcolepsy and if she sits down and stops moving for more than a  minute or two, she will surely fall asleep. This is something that at times has led to some really funny moments, but in reality this is something that can be super dangerous.


We are cautioned in today’s reading to not get what I like to refer to as “spiritual narcolepsy”. Verse 36 says, “If He comes suddenly do not let Him find you sleeping” It is often too easy for us to doze off in our faith life and go on autopilot; we do this in our prayer life, when we fall asleep before even finishing our prayers at night, or dig into that homemade meal before thanking God for it.  We do this in the pew on Sunday morning when our minds wander to worldly things during the sermon. We do this when we do not allow our faith to dictate our behavior at work or in social interactions. We do this when we avoid talking about our faith to others out of fear. We do this when we do not give generously, love sacrificially, or when we do not let the Great Commission impact our daily lives.


As we prepare our hearts for Christ’s passion, let the reality of Christ’s sacrifice for you continually propel you forward in an active journey of faith.


We pray:

Dear God, thank You for these words that remind us that our Savoir is coming back some day. Please help prepare our hearts, and send Your spirit to keep us awake and growing in our faith. Amen

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