Welcome to Children’s Ministry at

Tallmadge Lutheran Church!


We believe that Jesus desires to have a personal relationship with all children. At TLC, we provide a safe and fun environment for children to learn about Jesus, read His words, worship Him, and begin a lifelong journey of following Him. Through hands-on Sunday school lessons and special events,  we teach children that Jesus is more than just an imaginary friend; He is their Savior, their Comforter, their Light, and their Rock!

TLC is an “Orange” church. What does that mean?


Orange is a strategy for reaching the next generation. 
  • It is about combining critical influences in the lives of the next generation to make a greater impact on them.
• Orange takes Yellow which is the light of the church, and Red which is the love of the family, and combines the strengths of each of them to make Orange.
• Orange shows the next generation who God is. Red and Yellow combined can do far more than if they were apart.

The truth is that the church has only 40 hours a year to reach into the lives of the next generation. By combining with the families’ 3,000 hours, Tallmadge Lutheran can connect with children on a deeper level. Our aim is to help children and families to see God for who He is, help them to see how God sees them, and help them to love others the way God does. We want children in our ministry to grow up with an authentic faith in Jesus Christ! Partnering with families is the way to do that!