What is a Handbell Choir?

What is a Handbell Choir?
by Rich and Carol Goebelt
A Handbell Choir is made up of 12 or more individual people that together play one song. Each person is responsible for a few notes that are played throughout the piece. Put it all together and it is one song. Unlike a piano player that is one person playing the entire song. This makes the Handbell Choir unique and also challenging as the players need to rely on listening and learning to play together.
However, it is very exciting and rewarding to present a piece of music which is not only a great sound to hear but also to observe. The goal of the our choir is to play music that helps to connect the Word of our Lord to ones heart.
Easter Sunday we are playing a song that is a combination of 2 great Easter Hymns “How great thou Art” and “Majesty” accompanied with Piano. It is a very powerful piece that nicely demonstrates the powerful message of Easter and Christ’s death and resurrection. (See below for a video of this performance!)
Recently a memorial was given to the Handbell Choir for music that was purchased in memory of a loved one. The piece was, “I Need Thee Every Hour”. A beautiful hymn which was written with great style and musicality. This is an especially unique way to commemorate someone who was known by many and is remembered in such a beautiful way.
Handbell Fact: There are 7 octaves of Handbells made. We currently play 4 octaves. Most Handbell music written is for 3-5 octaves of bells.