March 29 – Luke 22:7-46
Road Trip
Gary Sandmann
What do you think of when you think of a road trip? The first thing is the destination or the “why” of the trip. It could be to one of thousands of amazing destinations. But of course, we’ll need to make plans or preparations for the trip. What will you take? Snacks? Beverage selections? Cash or credit cards of course, and fill the gas thank and make sure the spare tire is aired up. GPS and maybe a map. Clothes. We try to cover all the possibilities. The plans will change with the length of the trip. But the point is, we need to prepare.
In Luke 22:35, Jesus asks the disciples what He had sent them out with the first time, and they replied, “Nothing.” But now, He is getting them ready for at rip that will take until the end of their lives, and making them ready to travel when He is no longer on earth with them. The political and religious climate has changed toward our Lord and His teachings. The people are no longer as accepting. The road won’t be easy.
It’s easy to see that what Jesus is telling them, will apply to us also. We are traveling to the most amazing destination of all, Heaven. Preparing daily for that road trip is crucial. And to do that, we listen to the words of our Lord in verse 40, “Rise up and pray, lest you enter temptation.”
We pray:
Dear Lord, may we stay ready for our journey to the home you have readied for us. May our prayer keep us focused on You. Amen.