March 26 – Luke 19:45-20:8

Jamie Parmelee

“Who gave you the right?” When the chief priests and teachers of the law pose this question to Jesus, they are fed up. Jesus is taking the spot in the temple where they used to teach and the people love Him. The religious leaders are being usurped, and they’re looking for an excuse to kill Him. Trying to trick Jesus, they ask, “Who gave you the right to do these things?”

Jesus responds with a question of His own. Rather than trying to win an argument or prove His authority, Jesus asks the religious leaders whether or not John the Baptist was part of God’s plan. He knows that if they don’t accept John’s authority, they won’t accept His. Jesus sees their    attack disguised as a question, and transforms it into an opportunity for self-reflection.

Too many times, I’ve asked God that same question. Who gave You the right to allow this trial into my life? To let that child die? To give that opportunity to someone else instead of me?

Jesus’ response to the religious leaders gives us a glimpse of God’s heart towards us. In our worst moments of questioning His authority, God gently, mercifully, leads us back with His own questions: Do you believe I am who I say I am? Will you trust me?

We pray:

God, thank you for responding to my doubts and questions with mercy. Guide me in reflecting on Your goodness and lead me to a deeper trust in you. Amen.

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