SUNDAY Worship 8AM & 10:30AM
759 East Avenue Tallmadge, OH 44278 (330) 633-4775
Theme Verse:
“Whoever believes in me…rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
John 7:38, NIV
In this wet and wild VBS, kids will learn that what you do today can change the world around you. When you put your trust in Jesus, you can “make waves” because of His Spirit living inside you.
Through fun activities, engaging lessons, and God’s Word, we’ll help kids understand how they can share God’s love with the people around them. They’ll discover that when they put their faith in Jesus, God will give them His Spirit. And like the Bible says, the Spirit is like many streams of living water. In this VBS, kids will explore what it means to “make waves” in their own lives that will influence the people around them.